me: have u seen the No Reservations episode where he visits only shitty places?
it's 3 shitty places in one hour
it's hilarious
it's Baltimore, Detroit, and Buffalo
Melissa: LOL
omg yes
I WENT to like 2 places that he went to in detroit
me: OMG
Melissa: i bowled there
feather bowling is so fun
me: omg i cannot fucking believe u went feather bowling
Melissa: what if we went feather bowling
and saw anthony bourdain
first of all
i would say
'why the fuck are we feather bowling'
me: ahaaa
omg but i really wanted to go to the lebanese restaurant
that looked so fucking good
Melissa: omg i dont think i saw that part
cuz mommy kept switching back to real housewives of atlanta
me: lolllllll
she would
Melissa: she thought the episode was sooo boring
cuz it was poor food