me: i read some article that said that if illegal online downloads were Oscar votes, District 9 would have won hands down
isn't that funny
Melissa: hahah
it is soo better than hurt locker tho
hurt locker is too grungy
there are a few really pretty scenes where they do stuff in slow mo like mythbusters
but thats it
haha omg idd u know that the main actor guy basically had diarrhea the whole time during hte movie
does that make u love him more
me: AHAH
love him the most
Melissa: i am surprised that u liked hurt locker lolol
i would think that u would be napping for the whole movie
me: yeah i liked it
i was pleasantly surprised
i liked it more bc it made me feel more hope that james cameron would be defeated
Melissa: hahaahh
i like how u actually loved avatar tho
u loved it so much
me: but truthfully, hurt locker is just a conspiracy to tear him down
i know
i hate james cameron tho
Melissa: it is SUCH a conspiracy
why wont anyone say it
me: i know
hurt locker is not that good
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