Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
News Feed
Melissa: Did you see that picture of her?
Me: Yeah.
Melissa: She looks so different in that photo. She looks European.
Me: Yeah.
Melissa: (whispers) She looks fat.
Vocab Lesson
Melissa: What's the difference between banana peppers and pepperoncini?
Me: I think they're the same thing.
Melissa: Oh really?
Me: Yeah. But at Subway when I order it, I only call it banana peppers.
Melissa: Yeah I think if you called it pepperoncini at Subway they would be so confused. They would be like, "Vhat?"
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Pete Burns
Me: He looks like a mix between Megan Fox and Monica Bellucci.
Melissa: And the goldfish from American Dad
Melissa: It must feel soooo good to get out of jail. So much freedom. You must feel like you could do anything, like drugs.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Care Package
me: ahh
did u get my mail?:?
me: melissa i had no clue if the postal service woudl accept it
i just put the little chick in an envelope and put two stamps on it
Melissa: omg
when i got the envelope,
there was a little hole in it
and blue fuzz was coming out
and i was like, okay.. def. from maggie
me: was it smashed?
Melissa: hahahha
yes it is so smashed
one of its wings broke off
me: can it even stand up
Melissa: no it has to lean against that purple duck u gave me
but me and victor have named it 'jimbabwe'
and it has been in victor's mouth a few times
Melissa: LOL
me: i think it's cute that it's injured
it's like it went to war between Chicago and California
battle scars
Melissa: haha i knoww
its face is on the left side of its body
did u get my mail?:?
me: melissa i had no clue if the postal service woudl accept it
i just put the little chick in an envelope and put two stamps on it
Melissa: omg
when i got the envelope,
there was a little hole in it
and blue fuzz was coming out
and i was like, okay.. def. from maggie
me: was it smashed?
Melissa: hahahha
yes it is so smashed
one of its wings broke off
me: can it even stand up
Melissa: no it has to lean against that purple duck u gave me
but me and victor have named it 'jimbabwe'
and it has been in victor's mouth a few times
Melissa: LOL
me: i think it's cute that it's injured
it's like it went to war between Chicago and California
battle scars
Melissa: haha i knoww
its face is on the left side of its body
Commencement Speaker at University of California
me: do u know who the northwestern commencement speaker will be???
Melissa: whoo?
me: christiane amanpour!!!
Melissa: omgg!!
me: do u want to graduate at NU instead
Melissa: yesss
omg jealousss
who is our speaker gonna be
probably mr. bob lando
lol ok i just made up a random name
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The End Has Come

victor is playing 'we are the champions' on his computer so i will know forever that that is the first song i heared after i was done with school
this marks the end of my life as i know it
and after i was done with class me and victor walked around downtown to search for food and there was a bunch of little flowers flying in the air from the trees and it was like confetti
Melissa: i dunno what to do with myself
kill myself?
me: yeah
smell ya later dead sister
Melissa: ahaha<3
Hurt Feelings

me: i read some article that said that if illegal online downloads were Oscar votes, District 9 would have won hands down
isn't that funny
Melissa: hahah
it is soo better than hurt locker tho
hurt locker is too grungy
there are a few really pretty scenes where they do stuff in slow mo like mythbusters
but thats it
haha omg idd u know that the main actor guy basically had diarrhea the whole time during hte movie
does that make u love him more
me: AHAH
love him the most
Melissa: i am surprised that u liked hurt locker lolol
i would think that u would be napping for the whole movie
me: yeah i liked it
i was pleasantly surprised
i liked it more bc it made me feel more hope that james cameron would be defeated
Melissa: hahaahh
i like how u actually loved avatar tho
u loved it so much
me: but truthfully, hurt locker is just a conspiracy to tear him down
i know
i hate james cameron tho
Melissa: it is SUCH a conspiracy
why wont anyone say it
me: i know
hurt locker is not that good
Bad Dreams and Bad Boys

that my nails were all separating from my fingers
and it got so bad that i had to peel the one off of my thumb
and i started crying
and oh yeah mommy was talking on her cell phone with jason statham for some reason
Melissa: LOL
isnt that weeeird
like why
why is mommy friends with jason statham
maybe my dream has something to do with the fact that i saw An Education last night?
maybe the nails were from my conflicting feelings about how peter sarsgaard is obvz gay
French Films

Love Me If You Dare (2003)
dir. Yann Samuell
Starring Guillaume Canet and Marion Cotillard
Melissa: u should just go to france
and pick up a guy on the metro
me: i know
and get pick pocketed by him
Melissa: hahah tots
ohh i showed victor love me if u dare
i was surprised that he actually liked it
especially with the concrete ending
me: omg
the ending
is the worst
Melissa: i know it sucked so bad
i wanted to die
i wanted to be buried in concrete only up to my neck so i die a slow and painful death as all the water from my body escapes into the concrete
and pick up a guy on the metro
me: i know
and get pick pocketed by him
Melissa: hahah tots
ohh i showed victor love me if u dare
i was surprised that he actually liked it
especially with the concrete ending
me: omg
the ending
is the worst
Melissa: i know it sucked so bad
i wanted to die
i wanted to be buried in concrete only up to my neck so i die a slow and painful death as all the water from my body escapes into the concrete
Shudder Island

me: omg melissa tell me about shutter island
dont tell me the ending
i mean
is it worth it
Melissa: hmmmmm
it is a good movie but it is not a bundle of laughs
me: aw man
i had a feeling
Melissa: and u will probably guess the ending from the first five minutes
or even from the trailer
me: i feel like i already know the ending
Melissa: hahaha
yes, u do
me: it seems too obvious
ok i know it right?
Melissa: yes
me: then why is it supposed to be shockin
Melissa: hahaha
me: or like "the most insane twist"
like they say
Melissa: its not exactly shocking just interesting to see everything being resolved
u have to be a dumbass to not know
u have to basically be napping for the whoel movie to not know
me: ahahah
can i guess
i was hoping that i would read the book and get bamboozled
and that i would be surprised that i dont actually know the twist
but i know it?
Melissa: yep
u sooo know it
me: ok can i say it
and then u tell me
Melissa: yes
omg if u get it wrong i am going to laugh
me: leo is loko
Melissa: haha yess
me: god
im so mad
Melissa: duhh
me: such bs
but i can see why it's intersting to see how it gets resolved
Melissa: yeah
cuz u get to find out what everything meant
all the weird little things that happened
they make it so obvious for u tho
that he is four loko
dont tell me the ending
i mean
is it worth it
Melissa: hmmmmm
it is a good movie but it is not a bundle of laughs
me: aw man
i had a feeling
Melissa: and u will probably guess the ending from the first five minutes
or even from the trailer
me: i feel like i already know the ending
Melissa: hahaha
yes, u do
me: it seems too obvious
ok i know it right?
Melissa: yes
me: then why is it supposed to be shockin
Melissa: hahaha
me: or like "the most insane twist"
like they say
Melissa: its not exactly shocking just interesting to see everything being resolved
u have to be a dumbass to not know
u have to basically be napping for the whoel movie to not know
me: ahahah
can i guess
i was hoping that i would read the book and get bamboozled
and that i would be surprised that i dont actually know the twist
but i know it?
Melissa: yep
u sooo know it
me: ok can i say it
and then u tell me
Melissa: yes
omg if u get it wrong i am going to laugh
me: leo is loko
Melissa: haha yess
me: god
im so mad
Melissa: duhh
me: such bs
but i can see why it's intersting to see how it gets resolved
Melissa: yeah
cuz u get to find out what everything meant
all the weird little things that happened
they make it so obvious for u tho
that he is four loko
Monday, February 22, 2010
Dog Talk

me: dogs are SO cute
Melissa: why are they soo cute?
me: i have no idea
i dont think that all dogs are cute tho
i dont like most terriers, dogs that look like they have oily short hair
Melissa: hahah oily hair
its not their faulttt
me: lolll whatever it is all their fault
Melissa: there are so many dogs that walk around campus here with their owners without a leash
me: !!! i dont approve
Melissa: i knoww
it makes me feel unstable
but it is cute at the same time because they are so loyal
and will follow every step of their owner
the dogs i see actually follow their owners and dont look at anyone else
me: oh omg that is so cute
Melissa: there is this dog that walks around with its owner and his owner looks like andy dick
Ideas Worth Spreading
Making Plans
Bryan Greenberg Revisited
Bad dreams

Melissa: i had the weirdest dream
about u
me: !!
tell me
Melissa: ok,
so in my dream we were hanging out with mommy and daddy and we lived in our fremont house
and you had your boyfriend over to visit
and he looked like a manlier version of justin theroux
but the thing is
earlier that day i saw a youtube video of your boyfriend with his friend and they killed a baby
and i was telling you, OMG you can't trust this guy because i saw him kill a baby
and then you started talking something about how you know, and that he has anger issues
and then i asked you if he hurt you yet, and you gave some ambiguous answer that meant 'yes'
and then...
my alarm clock went off
what does that dream mean
i think it probably has to do with the fact that i bootlegged saw shutter island last night
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
No Kleenex for Kids

me: i know that many times i would have really bad snotty noses
but iw ouldn't cover it up
cuz i thought that covering it up meant that something was wrong
Melissa: LOL OMGG
me: and if u just acted like there was no snot on your nose, then there wasn't
Melissa: if u covered it, its like EVERYONE WILL KNO U HAVE SNOT
Childhood Trauma Part Deux
Childhood Trauma
Melissa: i have one traumatic memory
i remember when u caught me talking on my fake cell phone
i was so embarassed
me: AHAHAHAHKALSKLdjklsdjlafjlkasdf
that is SO CLASSIC
OMG i cant believe u do n ot remember
that is THE BEST
Melissa: u were looking at me from upstairs on the balcoony thingy, and i was laying on the floor talking into my fake cellphone (calculator that grandma gave me) and u were like 'what are u doing'
i was like OMG and i said something stupid
and u were like yeahh right and walked away
My Super Sweet Life
Job Huntress

Melissa: mmm omg what if i work at stanford
ohh that would be cute i can look at palo alto everyday
lolol that probably sounds disgusting to u
Melissa: i dont want to work
i want to have vacation forever
to be happy u must do an activity that matches an appropriate amount of challenge with your own level of skill and communications
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The Biggest Loser
Monday, January 4, 2010
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