Melissa: omg
i forgot to tell u
i saw THE CUTEST DOG INTHE WORLD on the way to vegas
we were at a rest stop
me: what kind of dog??
9:51 PM Melissa: and i saw a little pekinese walking around without a leash
Melissa: it was orangey
Melissa: and it belonged to this mexican family who i guess goes around to rest stops and fixes the vending machines
Melissa: omg it was SOO well behaved!!
Melissa: it was just walking around looking at people, but not too far from the owner
Melissa: and it saw me FREAKING out at how cute it is
and it just walked up to me
and let me pet it
me: omg
Melissa: until i died
me: was it like
u can pet me
Melissa: yesss
me: it said "u"
Melissa: it was like hii
Melissa: and then the best part
Melissa: was when the family was leaving
9:53 PM the owner just looked at it and said its name quietly
and the dog understood and then jumped into the car
so cute
me: ummmm
9:54 PM was that dog professor mcgonagall
Melissa: LOL
omg probably
me: and was the mexican family actually a british wizard family
9:55 PM Melissa: haahahha
omg probably
Melissa: the vending machines were probably an opening to el hogwartos