Monday, July 13, 2009

American Girl Dolls

Rebecca should come with pinched pennies.


Melissa: That one is Filipino. Her name is probably Eunice.


Melissa: I like the dogs because they look primitive.


Melissa: That's cute, she looks like the Hulk.


Melissa: Nard-Dog.


Just Like You American Girl Doll
Light skin, black hair, brown eyes
#4 in the catalogue

Melissa: You should name her Molina. Like Alfred Molina.

Me: I like Addy's story. And I feel like I identify with Josefina's culture.
#4 has no story, she's just like us.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Transportation and buildings

Melissa: Victor's friend drove through Santana Row with a megaphone.


On the Red Line, between North/Clybourn and Clark/Division
Melissa: I feel like I'm on Willy Wonka's boat.


Waiting at Howard for the Purple line train

Melissa: Mantengase alejado de la puerta.


Inside Noyes St. Cafe
Melissa: I'm going to design my Sims house like this.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Thoughts on Food and Men

he was like "what was the first movie you've ever seen alone?"
and i was like what do you mean??


At Starbucks:
Melissa: Can I get a side of a sense of humor?


At Blu Sushi:
Melissa: This food is a textural symphony.


Melissa: Flo Rida would get a 0 on his IBs


Melissa: Did you know that a seagull pooped into Victor's mouth?
And his first reaction was to put a bunch of sand in his mouth.


Most people are normal and like to try new things. But you picked the jester out of the deck of cards.


i mean he's pretty convenient
and a nice catch
Me: You mean a 7 eleven
Melissa: 7 eleven whose icee machine is broke


im going to bring my cookbook haha
Me: u mean The Notebook
Melissa: yes lolol
wait did u know that my cookbook has a picture of my future wedding dress on it
i glued it on


my life is so much better with victor
it is so safe
and filled with fluffy marshmallows


Me: i dont think i can marry an asian
Melissa: i feel like u should just try it
maybe an asian guy adopted by black parents?


Me: there is a pattern to my life
im gonna grow up
never marry
get a dog
upgrade my netflix to 4-at-a-time
and then plan my funeral
Melissa: hey it sounds like a nice life to me
u are going to be like that guy in amelie with the glass bones


Melissa: chicago is perfect for u
not too big of a city to make u feel like ur life got turned upside down
Me: oh yeah totally
Melissa: but just enough food to make u really excited


Melissa: did u hear me whimper last night?
Me: no
cuz in my dream I was crying like craaaazyyy