did seth watch it?
me: he said no
he is a little offended that u said it's better than kill bill
Melissa: omg
u have no idea
he has no idea
kill bill is dust
me: omg
how can u say that
i cant believe it
at all
the story of kill bill is amazing tho
it's a fucked up love story
it's girl power too
Melissa: whatevz
bill died from erotic asphyxiation
and not from the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique
me: omg
u are setting the highest of high expectations
it's gonna be like seth saying children of men is the best
and actually it blew
Melissa: children of men died of erotic asphyxiation
- - -
Melissa: the movie is long, but i loved all of it
there was this one asian couple infront of us who walked out in the middle of the movie
they were young lol
i bet their fav movie is white chicks
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Melissa: kill bill is like lil wayne
Inglorious Basterds is like...kanye
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me: i got mad when people were like "!!!!" and gasping during the scalping
and the swastika carving
i was like shut the fuck up
let me enjoy it
Melissa: oh i bet people in evanston went wild
i hated evanston ppl's reactions when watching movies btw
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Melissa: i feel more secure about my identity now that i have a fav movie
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Melissa: u know how sometimes u wonder why people are so against gay marriage
its like wondering why ppl dont like inglourious
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