it looks "pleased"
like, it's eyes are little "u"s
Melissa: LOL
me: well i just came back from the bathroom
my smiley face now has curly hair??????
Melissa: HAHAHAH
omg who did it lol
that is hilarious
me: did u know that the cleaning lady secretly draws flowers on ppl's boards
she also wrote a poem on this one woman's board, this woman who went on maternity leave
the poem is so weird
Melissa: that is cute
what was the poem
me: hold on let me see if it's still up
i just wrote it down
It a girl
She is fun
She is sweet
She is qute
She is honey
For you mommy
She is sun
She is moon
I hope she grows
Happy pretty soon
oh also in the poem, there is a picture of a sun below the word sun
Melissa: LOL
that maid is going to steal her baby
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